Thanks to a great group of volunteers and workers we were able to present Streets of Bethlehem to the community of Salinas. People come from far and wide each year to experience this wonderful presentation of the birth of Jesus. This year went pretty well and we were able to share the Gospel with all who passed through the gates.
This year we made a few changes and one of those was to have Jesus the grown adult come out at the end of the presentation and talk to the crowd about the rest of His story. It was a great addition to the story and we wondered why it took us so long to add such an integral part to the story.
I was working on putting together a recap video to show in church on Sunday and when I came across this picture it really struck me in a powerful way.

It got me to thinking about what it would have been like to listen to Jesus talk in person. People came from far and wide just to be near him and hear his voice. He wasn't flashy but simply spoke the truth in authority and love. There was nothing special about his appearance but people were still drawn to him. I wonder what it would have been like.
Simple Truth. That seems like an interesting concept in our culture and time. I think sometimes we get lost in everything the world has to offer. Even as Christians we get lost in all the church has to offer. Often we get lost in doing church and lose sight of what drew us there at the core. So many people have an undying love for things of this world: Sports teams, musical groups and even other people. Jeus offers us a dying love that reaches through the years to come straight to our hearts. I hope that we (I) can remember to keep that in focus and appreciate what a splendid gift we have been given. The great thing is that we are called to be "regifters" of this amazing love. Who are you going to share it with?
Here is the recap video.