Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Looking back at missed opportunities can cause one to wonder about what could have been. What if I had made better/different decisions? What would life be like now? Sometimes this can be a troubling venture. But it can also be a motivation going forward. As the years grow so does wisdom(hopefully). I would like to believe I would have made better choices if I had the wisdom that I do now. Statements like this make me sound old. When I was your age...
On the other hand there are many things that I am glad for in my life. Without those "poor" decisions in my life present circumstances would not be what they are.
So I find myself thankful for where I am and celebrate what God has done in my life and look forward to what He is doing through me. I am excited to see where things will go and what will happen next. What wisdom has given me is the drive that I need to make things happen, not wait for life to happen to me. Take some chances. Become who I am. To be more me and who God has created me to be. Fight against regret and go from here.

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