Tuesday, September 11, 2012

it was tuesday

It was Tuesday. I awoke a little earlier to go through my usual routine of getting ready. But that day I left through a different door, went through the front lobby of the dorms and picked up a newspaper, to be read in between classes, and stuffed it in my drawing portfolio. I made my way over to the student book store to pick up some supplies for my drawing class that morning. Half asleep. The dull drone of the radio murmured in the background as I picked up my supplies. Something about an airplane crash or accident or something. I wasn't really listening and did not think much of it and headed off to class.
As people arrived in the drawing studio, more layers of the story began to be added to the group conscience. Much of it half-knowledge, speculation and a flavor of rumor. After a short period of time: class dismissed. Go home.
Crowds gathered around TV screens. The numbers growing as the hours as other students got out of beds and classes. Squinting. Confused. Like the allegory of the cave, seeing a new world in a different light.

Watching. Wondering. Waiting.

Then a second.

Did that really just happen?

A new perspective on life. Fear. Sadness.

Classes were canceled as we watched history in the present. Wondering how things would change. What would happen next?

Afternoon class. No cancellation? We quietly went to class curious of where the conversation would go. There was no mention of the days proceedings. Business as usual? Seriously? Nothing!?

Thursdays class. Apology. "I don't watch the news. I only read the newspaper." Conversation.

End of the semester. Cleaning out my drawing portfolio. That newspaper. Still unread from months before. A time capsule of what things were like before it all happened. Before the world changed.
A different time.

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