Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Showit Designers Insight Group

I am down in Santa Barbara for a couple of days to meet with the guys from Showit and also some awesome designers to talk about all that is happening with Showit, how to use it more effectively and how to improve it for clients. It has been awesome to meet all these great guys and gain more knowledge about the software. We meet all day and then hang out in the evenings. Last night we went to the Canary hotel and hung out on the roof for a while before an amazing supper. We have been meeting and staying the night at MontJay which is DavidJays place which has awesome views and is a great place to stay.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Morning Walk

With such wonderful temps yesterday and last night I slept with my window open, which is always a treat. One draw back is that it is often noisy in the morning with cars driving by and also the added noise from the planes practicing for the Air Show this weekend. So at 5:30 in the morning, which is slightly before my usual waking time, I decided to see if I could catch the sunrise. I took a look out the window and noticed it wasn't totally overcast, as is the common state of the atmosphere in the morning.
I grabbed my camera and a sausage mcmuffin and headed out to creekside terrace, which is part of the old Fort Ord. There is a great place to see all of Salinas from the top of the hill. There is even a bench to sit on. So I took off up the hill, enjoying the moonset, trying to get to the top before there was too much day. I got to the top and looked out on the valley. Unfortunately, the clouds in the distant prevented my from catching the full sunrise but it was still beautiful nonetheless.
I have also liked sunrises a little more than sunsets for some reason. I think that might be because it takes more effort to take one in. I love the morning light and the stillness that is there as well. There are still a lot of people in bed so it's quieter and I got to see a bunch of animals because other hikers had not scared them all off yet.
On the way back down the hill I took a new route which turned out to be pretty nice and I came around the backside in time to catch these shots. i love the light and the tall grass. There is just something about that color.