Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Monday, August 26, 2013

One year

Little did I know that a moment of boldness had set a series of events into place. All seemingly simple at first blush, but incomprehensibly intricate when viewed in hindsight. Moments woven into a tapestry of experience amongst tiny turns, twists and chances. Curiously working their way into something special.
It started with a wink and a wait. Then a note, followed by curiosity. Brief notes, comments, witty remarks, and attempts at jokes. Short notes grew into letters and letters grew into long distance conversation. Something developing, waiting for a chance to be discovered.
One year ago...
I awoke with excitement, anticipation and a bit of nerves. I ate breakfast, got dressed and headed off to church, though that may not have been at the front of my mind at the time. My mind was a few hours ahead dwelling and scheming over what the rest of the day might mind flashing between possible variations and outcomes. Then prayer for discernment, surrender and boldness.
Then a short butterfly filled drive for the meeting. The moment of truth. Which preconceived plan would be the one that materialized? Was there possibly an alternate story?
That first moment in the Best Western parking lot, an already hyper-active heart leapt out of my chest and into my throat.
More beautiful than any of the pictures. A beautiful smile. A good christian side hug.
I had to jump start my brain with simple directions:
1. Words.
2. Phrases.
3. Sentences.
4. Don't screw this up.
5. Repeat.
My rush of joy, excitement and nerves quickly transferred into calmness, comfort and familiarity. Words, phrases and sentences growing into paragraphs and conversations. Moments growing into minutes then hours, days, weeks, months and a year.
A year filled with moments of joy and adventure. A year of discovery and revealing. A year of being seen for who I am. For being accepted for who I am without expectation and being inspired to be so much more.
A moment of boldness transformed into a year of joy.
and then...

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Inpiration: Waterfall Wednesday

I have a great love for running water and these are a few images that I really liked. Hopefully, I can visit more spots like these and grab some pictures of my own.

Punchbowl Mist
Still Creek Autumn

Friday, May 3, 2013

the digital camera

Inventor Portrait: Steven Sasson from David Friedman on Vimeo.

It is interesting to me where ideas come from, how they come into existence and how they are dispersed into culture. Thinking about where cameras were before this and where cameras are now and all the little steps in between in order for them to be what they are today is intriguing. As are the strategies used to make them accessible, relateable and palatable to consumers.

Thursday, May 2, 2013


I find myself working in the digital realm for so much of my day and life. Sometimes it is refreshing to just go back to the old analog way of creating. No matter how fancy things get there will always be a connection for me with pencil and paper. The feel of the pencil against paper, the smell, the texture, the mess, the feel. A connection to the roots to discovery. I wonder about people who never started this way. What connection to they have to paper and pencil?

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Unreal boundaries

I have often found myself in situations like this where I have placed boundaries or obstacles when in fact none existed. I have a tendency to over think things, trying to see things from every angle before I will make a move.  Uncertainty can cause paralysis, not because of what is there, but because of what my mind thinks is there. Sometimes it is helpful to assess the situation objectively and rationally in order to realize what the truth is.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Taking risks and Making Dreams

 I came across this video and became intrigued by it for a couple of reasons. I liked it because it shows two ways to make a dream come true. My intial thought was in regards to the young piano player taking the risk to ask the tough question necessary for his dream to come true. It takes guts to ask a musical legend if you can accompany him.
I also liked it becasue there was the other side of the dream. Mr. Joel had a choice to make. It would have ben easy for him to say no, to dismiss the question, to dismiss the dream. He had obviously been performing for some time and the Q&A was intended to be a break. He could have said "no" and most people would have understood why he declined the request.
Mr. Joel decided to go another way. He chose to make a dream come true. It wasn't that hard for him. He has already sang that song countless times. He didn't know the skill level of the young musician but he took a small risk to yield a huge reward for both the young musician and the audience.
I think it points to the idea that you can tell someone how to pursue their dreams or you can make them come true. In light of his comment about how to become a horn player at the end of the video, earlier someone had asked how they could make it in the music industry.  You can ask for advice countless times and still be in the same place that you were when you started. Dreams don't come true while you are sitting around dreaming. Dreams take action and require risk.
Who knows how many times the young musician had asked those more advanced to fulfill a similar dream. Even if you hear no countless times it only takes one, "yes" for it to come true.

I think the take away, for me at least, is this:
Pursue your dreams. Take opportunities to make dreams come true.

Often we don't feel worthy or experienced enough to be able to do something like that. The truth is, if someone asks you for help it means they see something in you that they can grow from. Although it may not seem like a big or challenging thing for you to do. It can make a huge impact on another person.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

a persistent sea

a persistent sea from daniel vangerpen on Vimeo.

waves crashing
water churns
at it edges
the great expanse yearns
for something a little further
just out of reach
white noise
and white spray
calling in rythmic retort
striving all this way
but coming up short
a boundless sea
meeting it's boundries
yet keeps persisting
always relenting

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

This was the last sunset of 2012 taken at Rocky Point.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


As one year comes to a close, another begins.
Some opportunites missed, some new risks taken.
Some questions answered, some left to be asked.
Each day holds its own interest within the details.
As year changes into year it prompts a look at the grander scope of things.
Another year older, more mature(maybe)
new experiences
new acquaintences
new relationships
new adventures.

A new provides new opportunities, chances and challenges to face.
Hopefully another year makes me older and bolder.

Cheers, to new experiences.
Go make it a good one.