Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Inpiration: Waterfall Wednesday

I have a great love for running water and these are a few images that I really liked. Hopefully, I can visit more spots like these and grab some pictures of my own.

Punchbowl Mist
Still Creek Autumn

Friday, May 3, 2013

the digital camera

Inventor Portrait: Steven Sasson from David Friedman on Vimeo.

It is interesting to me where ideas come from, how they come into existence and how they are dispersed into culture. Thinking about where cameras were before this and where cameras are now and all the little steps in between in order for them to be what they are today is intriguing. As are the strategies used to make them accessible, relateable and palatable to consumers.

Thursday, May 2, 2013


I find myself working in the digital realm for so much of my day and life. Sometimes it is refreshing to just go back to the old analog way of creating. No matter how fancy things get there will always be a connection for me with pencil and paper. The feel of the pencil against paper, the smell, the texture, the mess, the feel. A connection to the roots to discovery. I wonder about people who never started this way. What connection to they have to paper and pencil?

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Unreal boundaries

I have often found myself in situations like this where I have placed boundaries or obstacles when in fact none existed. I have a tendency to over think things, trying to see things from every angle before I will make a move.  Uncertainty can cause paralysis, not because of what is there, but because of what my mind thinks is there. Sometimes it is helpful to assess the situation objectively and rationally in order to realize what the truth is.