Monday, September 17, 2012

Winters of My Life from Jonathan Burhop on Vimeo.

There are many things I like about this video. It is an interesting story about a life that seems to have many other stories looming under the surface. For me, the "wilderness poet" holds a lot of charm and interest. I enjoy reading the story of Thoreau and John Muir in Yosemite. I think it might be interesting to be able to spend a large amount of time living in nature, taking time to soak in nature. Both seeing the entire landscape and observing the details that often don't emerge until you take the time.
Also, when I get to be of a more advanced age I want to feel like I made good choices in my life. That I took advantage of opportunities that we enriching and that I was able to contribute something to the world. I want a life worth of a story. I love the look in his eyes at the end when he is gazing out the window. I see him both reminiscing the happy memories and sad that it will be his last season there. The place had become a part of him.

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